Sunday, December 12, 2010

Suzy and Avery

I transcribed a conversation my four year old had with her friend and made a movie of it. Suzy's using her advanced manipulation skills to get her way. I think it's a cute idea to take the little funny stories and cute sayings of our children that we love so much and save them by making a cartoon of it. If I ever get a faster computer, I will make more of these. Right now it takes a shameful amount of time. My poor old iBook just can't handle it!

Another Step

I can't wait till Friday!
I can't wait till Friday!
(I'm doing a little uncoordinated shuffle dance will singing)
Friday we go to Memphis to have our individual interviews with our case worker. We'll also turn in a bunch of paperwork. I hope we can schedule the home inspection then as well. And, if I'm really good, Nate may take me to an Ethiopian restaurant for lunch and Muddy's Bakeshop for a cupcake. :o)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Physicals, Check

We got our physicals yesterday. That's another thing off the checklist!
I had to get a tetanus shot and some blood drawn . Now, I hate needles. I hate them so much that I gave birth to a nearly nine pound baby without drugs mainly because I had seen an epidural needle in the past. Look:

I did not want that shoved up my spine, thank you.*
And I get so squeamish when I get blood drawn, it's worse than a shot! So here I was getting shots and blood drawn, with Suzy in the room! Suzy, who has developed a paranoia that doctors and dentists will sneak up on her and poke her with needles. I wonder who she got that from? I knew for her sake I could not be the baby I usually am in such circumstances. As the nurse took my blood, I sang (in my head) "Thy word had promised good to me, Thy word my hope secures. You will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures." That didn't last quite long enough, so I had to repeat it a few times!
Suzy was watching intently. I got really queasy when I saw the vials of blood. But I didn't freak out (at least outwardly) because I could feel those little blue eyes on me. Though I nearly lost my breakfast when the nurse removed the cotton too soon and the blood oozed out a little. I am obviously not cut out for anything in the medical field. Then followed the tetanus shot and TB test. There were no tears or sobs. I imagined I had a poker face, though that was probably wishful thinking.
Soon it was over and the doctor, who is a very nice doctor, came in to fill out our chart. He asked why we were getting physicals, and we explained that we were adopting. He went on and on about how great that was, how completely selfless and what-not. I told Nate later he must have thought we said we were giving our kidneys to strangers. :o)

*Other reasons I had a drug-free birth with a midwife: I didn't want an IV or, dare I say it, an episiotomy. (Don't worry, no pictures of that!) My needle/cut aversion is such that I can only explain it this way: I felt the same way about the prospect of an IV, epidural, and episiotomy as you might feel being told that when you go into labor, they will shove bamboo under your nails and pour boiling water on your feet. I was going to do whatever I had to in order to avoid it! :o)